A nationwide raid on a criminal group recently netted the Spanish police an extensive booty: 52 cars and motorbikes, as well as two boats, a...
Arrested Venezuelan General Hugo Carvajal narco arrest order from U.S Government.
General Hugo Carvajal was arrested in Aruba on Wednesday about 6 pm local time on arrival to the Caribbean island belonging to the Netherlan...
Barcelona Slaps Fine On Airbnb And Considers Taking Action To Ban Access To The Site
Barcelona’s Generalitat has fined the holiday rental site Airbnb €30,000€ after detecting that the site displayed advertising for more than ...
After expressing misgivings about the wording of the UN resolution, the Russian ambassador ultimately raised his hand in favour.
After expressing misgivings about the wording of the UN resolution, the Russian ambassador ultimately raised his hand in favour. A veto from...
SFO investigates price rigging in foreign exchange market
The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) has launched a criminal investigation into allegations of price rigging in the £3tn-a-day foreign exchange ma...
REVEALED: Shocking failure to police drink-spiking in Spanish resorts
POLICE in Spain have apparently no official records for the crime of drink-spiking. Hospitals and town halls have also failed to give any in...
We cannot see our greatest selves beyond giant shame trees that provides shade for our demons of guilt
while we sweat in the harshness of the midday sun of our hang-ups, begging to believe we are worthy.
Released Alien from Border Crisis Arrested for Alleged Murder, Kidnapping in Texas
An illegal immigrant who was released by U.S. authorities with a Notice to Appear has been arrested for the alleged murder of a woman and ki...